This document
explains how to make nice multiline tooltip for HTML documents, using
simple and standard CSS, HTML and JavaScript.
1 Standard HTML tooltip
The “title” attribute of HTML's tags
can be used to create simple tooltips. When the cursor stays over the
tag for few seconds, the browser shows automatically the tooltip. But
the tooltip's look and layout depend on the browser, and they are not
configurable. If one just wants to split the tooltip's contents into
two or more lines, there is not standard way to do this. For example:

<img ... title="Printable version" />
2 How to make cool tooltip
Using CSS and few lines of JavaScript it is
possible to make tooltips whose contents can be any HTML, including
images, tables, whatever can fit into a <div>
tag. Here is an example:

The blue area is the tooltip,
containing many lines of text and an image. To add a cooler effect,
the background has transparency! This can be achieved with the
following steps:
The tooltip area is defined as a
tag, containing text, line
breaks, link to the image and whatever HTML one wants. The id
attribute of the <div>
tag is
used to uniquely identify the tooltip in the document.
Using CSS the <div>
is initially positioned at (0,0) (upper left corner of the page) and
is not visible.
The onMouseOver
attribute of the HTML element owning the tooltip sets the position
the <div>
element relative to its
position in the page, and it makes it visible.
The onMouseOut
attribute of the HTML element hides the <div>
Let's explain how to implement each
2.1 CSS
The following CSS style defines the initial state
of the tooltip element:
visibility: hidden;
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
z-index: 2;
font: normal 8pt sans-serif;
padding: 3px;
border: solid 1px;
This defines the element as hidden,
positioned at (0,0), and it sets the z-order of the element to a
value higher than 0, to have it on top of other elements in the page.
The position is set to (0,0) in order
to let the browser automatically calculate the size of the <div>
based on its actual contents. If it would be positioned directly
relative to its parent, and the position was near the right border of
the browser's window, the <div>
would be formatted as a narrow and tall rectangle.
Other CSS directives can be applied to
the style; like font, border and padding in the example.
To add the background transparency as
in the image above simply add:
background-repeat: repeat;
background-image: url(images/blue.png);
Where the background image is a 16x16
png having a blue color with some degree of alpha transparency. This
would not work in IE, because it does not support transparent PNG
2.2 <DIV>
Into the HTML document the tooltip can
be defined as:
<div id="tooltip_123" class="xstooltip">
Time spent: 00:00:08<br/>
Page viewed: 4<br/>
Location: Loopback <img src='flags/x0.gif' /><br/>
Browser: Mozilla – 1.7.11<br/>
Operating system: Linux - i686 (x86_64)
The <div>
tag must have an unique id
identifying itself and must have the CSS style defined above (either
using the class
or style
attribute). It will be not visible when the page is loaded, but the
browser will calculate its size depending on its contents.
2.3 onMouseOver - onMouseOut
The element that owns the tooltip has to place
into its onMouseOver
attribute the
JavaScript code that positions and shows the tooltip, and into its
attribute the code that hides
it again, like in:
<img id="the_image"
onmouseover="xstooltip_show('tooltip_123', 'the_image', 289, 49);"
The source of the xstooltip_show()
and xstooltip_hide()
functions will be
examined in details later in the document. Now let's just see their
definition and usage:
function xstooltip_show(tooltipId,
parentId, posX, posY)
Positions the element whose id
is tooltipId (the tooltip) at location (posX, posY)
relative to the top left corner of the element whose id
is parentId (the owner of the tooltip).
function xstooltip_hide(tooltipId)
Hides the element whose id is tooltipId
(the tooltip).
So when the mouse pointer is moved over the owning
element, the tooltip is put at the given position relative to the
owner, and made visible. When the mouse pointer goes out the owning
element, the tooltip is hidden.
3 The JavaScript
This section shows and explains the JavaScript
code needed to position and show, and then to hide, the tooltip
element. A way to find out the absolute position in the page of the
element owning the tooltip is needed:
function xstooltip_findPosX(obj)
var curleft = 0;
if (obj.offsetParent)
while (obj.offsetParent)
curleft += obj.offsetLeft
obj = obj.offsetParent;
else if (obj.x)
curleft += obj.x;
return curleft;
function xstooltip_findPosY(obj)
var curtop = 0;
if (obj.offsetParent)
while (obj.offsetParent)
curtop += obj.offsetTop
obj = obj.offsetParent;
else if (obj.y)
curtop += obj.y;
return curtop;
These functions find the absolute X and Y position
into the HTML page of the element passed as an argument, recursively
examining the position of the element's parents.
function xstooltip_show(tooltipId, parentId, posX, posY)
it = document.getElementById(tooltipId);
if (( == '' || == 0)
&& ( == '' || == 0))
// need to fixate default size (MSIE problem) = it.offsetWidth + 'px'; = it.offsetHeight + 'px';
img = document.getElementById(parentId);
// if tooltip is too wide, shift left to be within parent
if (posX + it.offsetWidth > img.offsetWidth) posX = img.offsetWidth - it.offsetWidth;
if (posX < 0 ) posX = 0;
x = xstooltip_findPosX(img) + posX;
y = xstooltip_findPosY(img) + posY; = y + 'px'; = x + 'px';
} = 'visible';
This function positions and shows the tooltip,
relative to its owner. The id of the tooltip element is tooltipId
the id of the owner element is parentId
the upper left corner of the tooltip is placed, relative to the upper
left corner of the parent element, to (posX
it = document.getElementById(tooltipId);
if (( == '' || == 0)
&& ( == '' || == 0))
If the tooltip has not been shown yet (its
absolute position is not set or it is still set to (0,0)), then it is
positioned. = it.offsetWidth + 'px'; = it.offsetHeight + 'px';
These 2 instructions set the CSS absolute size of
the tooltip element to the default size assigned to it by the
browser. So when it is moved in its final destination, it does not
resize, even if near to the window's borders. They are needed by IE.
if (posX + it.offsetWidth > img.offsetWidth) posX = img.offsetWidth - it.offsetWidth;
if (posX < 0 ) posX = 0;
This code is optional,
it simply adjusts the position of the tooltip element to keep it
inside the horizontal shape of the owning element. Usually it is not
needed, but if the owning element is near the right border of the
window, moving the tooltip there could change the HTML page width,
and could make show up the horizontal scrollbar.
x = xstooltip_findPosX(img) + posX;
y = xstooltip_findPosY(img) + posY; = y + 'px'; = x + 'px';
Sets the position of the tooltip, relative to the
position of the owning element. = 'visible';
Finally makes it visible. That's all!
function xstooltip_hide(id)
it = document.getElementById(id); = 'hidden';
This simply hides the tooltip. Its position is not
changed. The next time xstooltip_show()
is called for the same tooltip, the position in not changed.
Version: 1.0a Created: 2005-09-12 Modified: 2006-05-02
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This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
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