addDays(int) - Method in class texsoft.java.util.XsDate
Add the given number of days to the date value.


compareTo(Object) - Method in class texsoft.java.util.XsDateTime
Compares this object with the specified object for order.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class texsoft.java.util.XsDate
Compares this XsDate object with the specified object for order.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class texsoft.java.util.XsTime
Compares this XsTime object with the specified object for order.


DebugTreeNode - interface texsoft.java.debug.DebugTreeNode.
If a class implements this interface its instances can be drawn onto a DebugTreeNodePanel.
DebugTreeNodePanel - class texsoft.java.debug.DebugTreeNodePanel.
This JPanel derived class can be used to display a DebugTreeNode graph and to save a shot of the graph as a PNG image.
DebugTreeNodePanel() - Constructor for class texsoft.java.debug.DebugTreeNodePanel
Creates a new DebugTreeNodePanel object.
DebugTreeNodePanel(DebugTreeNode) - Constructor for class texsoft.java.debug.DebugTreeNodePanel
Creates a new DebugTreeNodePanel object.
differenceDays(XsDate) - Method in class texsoft.java.util.XsDate
Calculate the difference in days between this date and other.
differenceDays(XsDate, XsDate) - Static method in class texsoft.java.util.XsDate
Calculate the difference in days between from and to.
differenceMinutes(XsTime) - Method in class texsoft.java.util.XsTime
Returns the difference in minutes between the this object and other.
differenceMinutes(XsTime, XsTime) - Static method in class texsoft.java.util.XsTime
Returns the diference in minutes between start and stop.
differenceSeconds(XsTime) - Method in class texsoft.java.util.XsTime
Returns the difference in seconds between the this object and other.
differenceSeconds(XsTime, XsTime) - Static method in class texsoft.java.util.XsTime
Returns the diference in seconds between start and stop.
drawIntoFile(String) - Method in class texsoft.java.debug.DebugTreeNodePanel
Saves the tree as a PNG image whose pathname is passed as argument.


EXPLORER - Static variable in class texsoft.java.debug.DebugTreeNodePanel
Constant for tree drawing style indentation.


getCurrent() - Static method in class texsoft.java.util.XsDateTime
Returns a new XsDateTime object set from to system date and time.
getCurrent() - Static method in class texsoft.java.util.XsDate
Returns a new XsDate object set to the system date.
getCurrent() - Static method in class texsoft.java.util.XsTime
Returns a new XsTime object set to current system time.
getDate() - Method in class texsoft.java.util.XsDateTime
Get the date component.
getDay() - Method in class texsoft.java.util.XsDate
Get the day of the date.
getDayOfWeek() - Method in class texsoft.java.util.XsDate
Returns the day of week, starting from Monday = 1.
getDayOfYear() - Method in class texsoft.java.util.XsDate
Returns the day of year, starting from 1.
getDebugNodeChild(int) - Method in interface texsoft.java.debug.DebugTreeNode
Return the n-th child of this node object.
getDebugNodeChildrenCount() - Method in interface texsoft.java.debug.DebugTreeNode
Return the number of children of this node object.
getDebugNodeText() - Method in interface texsoft.java.debug.DebugTreeNode
Return a String describing the node condent.
getGraphStyle() - Method in class texsoft.java.debug.DebugTreeNodePanel
Return the current tree graph style.
getHour() - Method in class texsoft.java.util.XsTime
Get the hour component of the time.
getMinute() - Method in class texsoft.java.util.XsTime
Get the minute component of the time.
getMonth() - Method in class texsoft.java.util.XsDate
Get the month of the date.
getSecond() - Method in class texsoft.java.util.XsTime
Get the second component of the time.
getTime() - Method in class texsoft.java.util.XsDateTime
Get the time component.
getWeekOfYear() - Method in class texsoft.java.util.XsDate
Returns the week of year, starting from 1.
getYear() - Method in class texsoft.java.util.XsDate
Get the year of the date.


hasTime() - Method in class texsoft.java.util.XsDateTime
Returns true if the time component is not null.


isEmpty() - Method in class texsoft.java.util.XsDate
Returns true if the object stores an empty date.
isLeapYear() - Method in class texsoft.java.util.XsDate
Returns true if the date's year is a leap year.


leftPad(String, char, int) - Static method in class texsoft.java.util.XsStrUtil
Returns s left padded with ch to width legnth.
log10(double) - Static method in class texsoft.java.util.XsMath
Returns the log10 of x.


main(String[]) - Static method in class texsoft.java.util.XsDateTime
Some simple test code.
main(String[]) - Static method in class texsoft.java.util.XsStrUtil
Some test code.
main(String[]) - Static method in class texsoft.java.util.XsMath
Simple test code.
main(String[]) - Static method in class texsoft.java.util.XsDate
Some simple code to test the class.
main(String[]) - Static method in class texsoft.java.util.XsTime
Sample code to test the class.
minutesValue() - Method in class texsoft.java.util.XsTime
Returns the time value in minutes from midnight.


paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class texsoft.java.debug.DebugTreeNodePanel
Paint the component contents.
pow10(int) - Static method in class texsoft.java.util.XsMath
Return 10pow.


rightPad(String, char, int) - Static method in class texsoft.java.util.XsStrUtil
Returns s right padded with ch to width length.
round(double, int) - Static method in class texsoft.java.util.XsMath
Round value to log decimal weight.
roundDown(double, int) - Static method in class texsoft.java.util.XsMath
Round DOWN value to log decimal weight.
roundUp(double, int) - Static method in class texsoft.java.util.XsMath
Round UP value to log decimal weight.


secondsValue() - Method in class texsoft.java.util.XsTime
Returns the time value in seconds from midnight.
sequenceOf(char, int) - Static method in class texsoft.java.util.XsStrUtil
Returns a new String made by a sequence of n characters ch.
setDate(GregorianCalendar) - Method in class texsoft.java.util.XsDate
Set the date to the give GregorianCalendar value.
setDate(int, int, int) - Method in class texsoft.java.util.XsDate
Set the date with the given year, month and day values.
setDate(long) - Method in class texsoft.java.util.XsDate
Set the date to timestamp in milliseconds sice 1970-01-01 0:00:00.
setDate(String) - Method in class texsoft.java.util.XsDate
Set the date from the given String value.
setDate(XsDate) - Method in class texsoft.java.util.XsDateTime
Set a new date value.
setDateTime(GregorianCalendar) - Method in class texsoft.java.util.XsDateTime
Set date and time from the passed GregorianCalendar object.
setDateTime(long) - Method in class texsoft.java.util.XsDateTime
Set date and time to the timestamp in milliseconds since 1970-01-01 0:00:00.
setDateTime(String) - Method in class texsoft.java.util.XsDateTime
Set the date and time values based on the string argument.
setDateTime(XsDate, XsTime) - Method in class texsoft.java.util.XsDateTime
Set new date and time values for this object.
setDay(int) - Method in class texsoft.java.util.XsDate
Set the day of the date.
setGraphStyle(int) - Method in class texsoft.java.debug.DebugTreeNodePanel
Set the current tree graph style.
setMonth(int) - Method in class texsoft.java.util.XsDate
Set the month of the date.
setRoot(DebugTreeNode) - Method in class texsoft.java.debug.DebugTreeNodePanel
Sets the root node of the tree to be draw.
setTime(int, int, int) - Method in class texsoft.java.util.XsTime
Set time value of this XsTime object to given hour, minute, second values.
setTime(String) - Method in class texsoft.java.util.XsTime
Set the time from to the string in the format HH[:MM[:SS]].
setTime(XsTime) - Method in class texsoft.java.util.XsDateTime
Set a new time value.
setYear(int) - Method in class texsoft.java.util.XsDate
Set the year of the date.
split(String, char) - Static method in class texsoft.java.util.XsStrUtil
Split s into substrings separed by the sep char.


texsoft.java.debug - package texsoft.java.debug
Provides classes that are usefull in debugging Java applications.
texsoft.java.util - package texsoft.java.util
Provides classes for date, time, string manipulation and some math methods.
toGregorianCalendar() - Method in class texsoft.java.util.XsDateTime
Returns date and time as a GregorianCalendar object.
toGregorianCalendar() - Method in class texsoft.java.util.XsDate
Returns a GregorianCalendar object set to the date of this object.
toMilliseconds() - Method in class texsoft.java.util.XsDateTime
Return date and time as timestamp in milliseconds since 1970-01-01 0:00:00.
toMilliseconds() - Method in class texsoft.java.util.XsDate
Returns date as timestamp in milliseconds since 1970-01-01 0:00:00.
toString() - Method in class texsoft.java.util.XsDateTime
Returns date and time as string in the format YYYY-MM-DD [HH:MM:SS].
toString() - Method in class texsoft.java.util.XsDate
Returns a String rapresentation of the date in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
toString() - Method in class texsoft.java.util.XsTime
Return a String rapresentation of time value in the format HH:MM:SS.
TREE - Static variable in class texsoft.java.debug.DebugTreeNodePanel
Constant for tree drawing style conventional root at the top.
trunc(double, int) - Static method in class texsoft.java.util.XsMath
Truncate value to log decimal weight.


XsDate - class texsoft.java.util.XsDate.
The XsDate class represents a simple date in time.
XsDate() - Constructor for class texsoft.java.util.XsDate
Creates new empty XsDate object.
XsDate(GregorianCalendar) - Constructor for class texsoft.java.util.XsDate
Create a new XsDate object initialized with the given GregorianCalendar value.
XsDate(int, int, int) - Constructor for class texsoft.java.util.XsDate
Create a new XsDate object initialized with the given values.
XsDate(long) - Constructor for class texsoft.java.util.XsDate
Create a new XsDate object from timestamp in milliseconds since 1970-01-01 0:00:00.
XsDate(String) - Constructor for class texsoft.java.util.XsDate
Create a new XsDate object initialized from the given String value.
XsDateTime - class texsoft.java.util.XsDateTime.
The XsDateTime represents a monent in time, with a XsDate and an optional XsTime objects.
XsDateTime() - Constructor for class texsoft.java.util.XsDateTime
Creates a new empty XsDateTime object.
XsDateTime(GregorianCalendar) - Constructor for class texsoft.java.util.XsDateTime
Creates a new XsDateTime object set to cal's date and time.
XsDateTime(long) - Constructor for class texsoft.java.util.XsDateTime
Creates a new XsDateTime object set to timestamp in milliseconds since 1970-01-01 0:00:00.
XsDateTime(String) - Constructor for class texsoft.java.util.XsDateTime
Creates a new XsDateTime object, with date and time set from the string.
XsDateTime(String, String) - Constructor for class texsoft.java.util.XsDateTime
Creates a new XsDateTime object, with date and time set from the strings.
XsDateTime(XsDate) - Constructor for class texsoft.java.util.XsDateTime
Creates a new XsDateTime object, set date to d and time to null.
XsDateTime(XsDate, XsTime) - Constructor for class texsoft.java.util.XsDateTime
Creates a new XsDateTime object, set date to d and time to t.
XsMath - class texsoft.java.util.XsMath.
This abstract class provides some math static methods, moslty for rounding purposes.
XsMath() - Constructor for class texsoft.java.util.XsMath
XsStrUtil - class texsoft.java.util.XsStrUtil.
This abstract class provides some usefull methods to manipulate String objects.
XsStrUtil() - Constructor for class texsoft.java.util.XsStrUtil
XsTime - class texsoft.java.util.XsTime.
The XsTime class represents a simple time value.
XsTime() - Constructor for class texsoft.java.util.XsTime
Creates a new XsTime object set to time 0:00:00.
XsTime(int, int, int) - Constructor for class texsoft.java.util.XsTime
Creates new XsTime object with given hour, minute, second values.
XsTime(String) - Constructor for class texsoft.java.util.XsTime
Create a new XsTime object set to the time value from the string in the format HH[:MM[:SS]].


zeroPad(long, int) - Static method in class texsoft.java.util.XsStrUtil
Convert value to String left padding with '0' to width length.